
Here is Upsala Nya Tidning’s interview with me as well as Svenska Dagbladet’s piece on the Raoul Wallenberg Calendar and Uppsala Fria Tidningen’s article about the calendar and the show.  In English, there is an interview in The Local.  Ordfront #2/2013 (April) has an interview with me about civic courage.

This is my brief comment for a news report about bystander passivity.

In the past several months, my work has been profiled in Arbetaren Zenit, ErgoLänstidningen (Östersund), Helsingborgs DagbladFlamman, Uppsala Demokraten and Västerbottens Folkblad, and I was interviewed on Swedish Television’s Gomorron Sverige.

To listen to my Sommar i P1 program on Sveriges Radio, click on the links under “Audio” in the column to the left.

Some other media:

Here are links to pieces in English: